Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Robin Williams is Dead to Me...and Everyone Else Too I Suppose.

This Robin Williams thing has gotten me thinking.  Everything gets me thinking, but I don't dwell on things quite this much usually.  A celebrity dies, a public figure, a famous person, whatever you call them, whatever it means to be famous, most of the time when they die I do little more than shrug.  Once in a while I'll go "Aww."  But now and then a celebrity death makes me sort of balk.  And it seems when that happens, I am confounded as to why *this* celebrity suddenly means so much dead when surely they meant less to me than others.  This happened with Heath Ledger.  Loved him in the handful of movies he managed to make before he died.  Lovely, lovely man. Really divine....  Yum.    Anyway. That's not enough to make me mourn someone - is it?  Now as for Robin.  I don't think I ever thought of him as especially attractive.  Though I love a funny man and he was very much that.  Michael Jackson.  Surely he helped define my childhood.  I had a poster of him in my room, I listened to every damn thing he recorded, played his videos over and over.  He was fascinating, incredible.  I barely shrugged when he died.  Is it the persons ranking in my consciousness when they die that determines how I feel about it?  I had heard Robin's name mentioned a few times in recent months I guess.  New Mrs. Doubtfire coming out.  Not sure I was thrilled with that idea.  And I don't think two days ago he was very close to the surface of my thoughts at all...
So maybe it's my comparison to my mom.  She was also 63.  I didn't realize RW was younger then my mother.  I somehow assumed he was a bit older than her.  But he killed himself quite intentionally it seems.  I can't help thinking about how much of a dick move that was.   I've been thinking about his family.  How could he possibly think that no one needed him, or that his depression was more important than his family's happiness?
But then I can't compare Heath Ledger to my mom.  He died before she did.  And, well he was a hell of a lot more attractive than her.  So what's the deal?  Why do some strangers mean more to me than others?

Update:  Oh.  I'm a fucking idiot, that's why.  He died on my mother's birthday.  I love it when I'm dense.

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